
DVDFab Blue-ray Ripper–Ultimate Solution to RIP Blu-ray Videos

Introduction to ripping videos: What and why?
Videos are the new way to transfer data and exciting information. Any happening around the world can be captured and sent anywhere in seconds. Video lectures to funny moments from angry mobs to movie clips can be reproduced from one corner of the world to the other in seconds. We are at this stage only because of the level of technology. But to keep the transfer of information quick, the data is compressed into smaller sizes, and the formats are changed to make it compatible with devices. Data is sent by network providers in small packets of information. Sending compressed data is less time consuming and less cumbersome. Some devices like professional cameras capture the very high quality of videos. The best quality for videos is Blu-ray. Blu-ray is an optical disc data storage format and is very high quality. Blu-ray can store heavy resolutions like- High definition and ultra high definition.

High-quality videos are required in movies and presentations but to send videos on mobiles, low-resolution videos are required as they take up less space in the storage. So here comes the role of ripping of videos from Blu-ray to 2D/3D videos. Ripping is the process of copying video content to hard disk. It is done from removable drives like CD or DVD. The data is not damaged in this process; all it does is alter its format.

Ripping Methods
Most of the videos kept online are in .flv format. These videos can be ripped to other formats using online sites which download the video in different specified formats like MP4, MKV, M2TS. These sites convert the original file to a format the user wants and download the file of that extension. If the user is operating on the YouTube Downloader or one of the videos ripping sites, the user can download and convert altogether, but if the videos were downloaded from other places, the video needs to be converted explicitly.

To convert one format into another, the options available to a user are: using a ripping software or grabbing a copy of the command-line FFmpeg utility. This Utility is the complete solution to any alteration in a video like an edit, rip, stream, a record. This is the secret behind many software available for the user. If FFmpeg is too complex to use, the user-friendly versions of it are also available like- WinFF or Super.

Figure: Screenshot of FFmpeg utility.

But often these methods are inefficient for use and can cause problems in the videos. Sometimes these methods of conversion also reduce the quality of the video which is not desirable for the user.

DVDFab Blu-ray Ripper
The one go-to-solution available for conversion is DVDFab Blu-ray Ripper. This software converts files even from blu-ray disc to any 2D/3D video format desirable to the user.

This is a full feature software which can take up formats like H.265 and 4K videos. It can read all kinds of Blu-ray discs/folders/files/ ISOs and convert them to other conventional formats. It uses advanced technology to obtain quick and reliable results. It allows the user to become the editor themselves and choose what they want from the blu-ray.

Contents of the Blu-ray can be edited in any way desired. The software is professional and faster than its competitors. It uses multi-threading and batches conversion technology to make the utility more efficient. The user-friendly interface of the software is another factor making this software successful. It doesn’t require any third-party plug-ins for performing the required tasks.

Figure: Screenshots of DVDFab Bluray ripper software.
The software is successful because of its friendly interface and easy steps of conversion. All the user has to do is load the Blu-ray, select the format and the conversion starts. Features like crop, resize, audio parameters are present to make the experience better for the user.

Conversion of format from Blu-ray to other formats is necessary to make the data easily transferable and convenient to use. Many choices are available to convert the formats of files. Online sites and software are an easy option for conversion.DVDFab Blu-ray Ripper is a suitable choice as it offers alternatives for video formats. In addition to ripping it is also performs editing and streaming. Trial versions of the software are available so that people can take a demo of the software before paying for it. The paid version costs $60 but is completely worth it. 

